With people spending more time at home, now is a great time to prepare your pool for the spring and summer. In some places, warmer summer-like weather is already here. Take this opportunity to consider pool deck waterproofing and other maintenance. Getting your pool ready will give you and your kids something to enjoy outdoors from the safety and comfort of your home.
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ToggleStep 1: Clean the Water
It can be tempting to drain the water and start over, but you don’t have to. Draining the water is not only time-consuming but will make a huge impact on your water bill when you refill it later. Instead, get the right chemicals to clean the water to remove algae and other impurities.
Step 2: Clean the Pool
After the water is clear, you may notice algae and other things stuck to the sides and bottom. Use a scrub brush to remove stuck-on algae and other debris. For leaves and other floating debris, use a pool skimmer net. If you have a pool vacuum, you can also use that to help clean the pool.
Step 3: Change the Filters
If your pool water is dirty, make sure to change the filters several times as the pool cycles. You also want to check the filters and change them after cleaning the pool. Once the water is clear and the pool is clean, install a new set of filters.
Step 4: Inspect and Clean the Filtration System
Check for water leaks and make sure leaves and other debris are not covering the pool filtration system. Have a pool maintenance professional lubricate the moving parts and components on the pool pump and filtration system.
Step 5: Clean the Pool Deck
You want to make sure your pool deck is clean before using your pool. Otherwise, if there is dirt, debris, or leaves, these things will just get tracked into the pool. Depending on the type of pool deck you have, you may be able to power-wash it down. If not, you can use a garden hose and scrub brush to wash it down.
Step 6: Perform Pool Deck Maintenance
Pool deck maintenance involves checking to ensure there are no cracks, chips, or other potential safety hazards. If the pool deck is looking a little worse for the wear, you can get pool deck waterproofing, which is resurfacing and restoring the appearance of pool deck surfaces.
Step 7: Top Off the Water
If you need to add water to the pool, do so after completing all the other pool preparation steps. Make sure to fill the pool up to the necessary level but don’t overfill it.
Step 8: Test and Balance the Chemicals
You need to test the water and check chemical levels to ensure they are correct. If not, add the required amount and retest until the water is balanced. Allow your pool filtration system to run for at least 24 hours after adding chemicals before retesting.
Step 9: Invest in a New Pool Cover
Using a pool cover not only slows the evaporation of water but also helps keep out dirt, dust, leaves, and other debris.
Step 10: Enjoy Your Pool
Now that your pool is ready to use, you can start enjoying it for afternoon swims, relaxing on the water while reading your favorite book, and playtime with the kids.
For professional pool deck maintenance, pool deck waterproofing, resurfacing, repairs, and restoration in the Greater Los Angeles Area, please feel free to contact Capital Deck & Stair for waterproofing at (888) 508-2966 today!