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Five Crazy Things People Do With Their Decks

A deck is far more than just something that brings up your property value and makes your home more beautiful, it’s also a highly-versatile space that you can do all sorts of things with. Whether you simply have a small deck overlooking your property or a large, rooftop space to build to your heart’s content, decks can be turned into nearly anything your wildest imagination can dream up.

Here are five crazy things people have done with their outdoor deck spaces to make the most of them.

Rooftop Pool & Spa

Can you imagine having a swimming pool located hundreds of feet in the air with panoramic views of the sprawling metropolis below? Rooftop pool decks make it entirely possible! You do need to have a roof that’s capable of supporting the immense weight from the thousands of gallons of water fed into the pool and/or spa, but you do occasionally see rooftop or elevated deck installations at hotels, apartment complexes, and other large buildings across the state.

Driving Range

One of the most satisfying feelings as a golfer is watching the ball you’ve smashed off the driver sail out into the distance for sometimes as much as 300 yards or more. And what better way to get more distance out of a shot than to raise the starting elevation? Some driving ranges around the country have started to build double and even triple-deck driving ranges. Not only can these structures accommodate more golfers, but they can also add to the enjoyment of the experience. Some people who live on larger plots of property have even built small driving range pads into their existing home deck or balcony so they can get some extra practice in at home!

Athletic Court

Ever wanted to have a basketball or tennis court on your deck? Thanks a wide variety of waterproof outdoor materials, you can! Athletic court decks are particularly common in hotels and high-rise apartment buildings where space is at a premium, which means you can probably find more than a few out here in the Los Angeles area. They’re particularly enjoyable for residents or guests, who can enjoy getting some exercise and fresh air with a unique view, just so long as the ball doesn’t go plummeting to the ground below from several stories up!


A rooftop garden is a great place to not only raise a wide abundance of plant life, but to make your deck space more aesthetically pleasing and even shady. People have built structures for all kinds of plant life on rooftops, including vines, ivy, rose gardens, rare and exotic flowers, and even certain types of trees. A rooftop deck makes a popular spot for events like weddings, corporate mixers, or just a little bit of rest and relaxation surrounded by nature, even if you’re in the middle of a giant city.


Rooftop bars are exploding as one of the latest trends in high-rise buildings. Not only do these provide an excellent way to bring in extra revenue, but they’re popular social gathering spots that are frequently packed with people during weekends. Bars need to be outfitted with all sorts of added equipment, plus they need to be sealed with non-slip waterproof surfaces to ensure guest safety. However, if your roof is already built to handle foot traffic with a regular deck, adding a bar to it takes very little in the way of retrofitting or additional construction.

Have a crazy idea you want to see about adding to your roof? Call the Los Angeles deck waterproofing experts at Capital Deck & Stair Waterproofing at (888) 508-2966 to discuss them and let us help you make that dream come to life!