How to Clean a Painted Concrete Pool Deck

modern luxury summer villa with infinity pool

Don’t touch that paint job! At least not yet, that is. While all pool decks (especially concrete pool decks) need occasional scrubbing, being too aggressive or using the wrong products can cause permanent damage to your paint and waterproof coatings.

Read on to learn how to clean a painted concrete pool deck without washing away your investment in the process.

1. Sweep and Rinse the Pool Deck

woman with cleaning tool

It may seem counterintuitive, but it’s important to clean before you clean! Start by giving your deck a thorough sweep with a stiff-bristled broom or brush, followed by a rinse. In addition to removing larger pieces of debris such as fallen leaves and twigs, this step also removes hard-to-notice layers of dust and dirt. Without removing these layers first, deep cleaning won’t be as effective.

Sweeping and surface prep is also a great time to check the condition of your pool deck. While you should save the touch-ups for after deep cleaning, now’s the time to take note of potential problem areas.

2. Prepare a Cleaning Solution

woman in cowboy boots filling blue bucket of soapy water to do cleaning chores.

With your deck cleared and ready for cleaning, it’s time to prepare a cleaning solution. Choosing the right ingredients is key to cleaning your deck without damaging the paint or the concrete. Where wood decks often require vinegar to fight mold and mildew, concrete decks require oxygenated bleach. Note that you want to use oxygenated bleach, not chlorinated or chlorine bleach.

Mix in one cup of oxygenated bleach for every gallon of warm water. You can adjust this ratio depending on the condition of your deck; however, it’s recommended not to go overboard. If you think your deck will need an especially thorough cleaning, mix a squirt of regular dish soap into the solution instead of adding more bleach.

3. Spot Treat Tough Stains

Man applying oil stain remover to concrete driveway

Stains and other problem areas will likely need more cleaning than the rest of the deck. Start by pouring some of your cleaning solution onto the stains and scrubbing with a stiff-bristled brush. For especially tough stains, apply TSP (a degreaser) and wait for about 10-15 minutes before scrubbing again. Don’t worry if you can’t get it out entirely; you’ll have another chance when you clean the whole deck.

4. Scrub the Pool Deck

Cleaning the pavers from sand after creating a space in the backyard.

With the tough spots (hopefully) handled, it’s finally time to clean the rest of the pool deck. Give your solution a final mix and spread it evenly across the deck surface. Allow it to sit for a few minutes so it can seep into the concrete’s pores and dissolve hard-to-reach mud and dirt. After it’s thoroughly soaked, scrub the entire pool deck using a stiff-bristled scrub brush.

Be careful not to use too much elbow grease, especially if your deck paint is already in delicate condition. Too much scrubbing can strip and fade paint, so scrub just hard enough to clean off the dirt and grime.

5. Rinse Completely

Hosing poolside pathway

Use a garden hose (or many, many buckets) to rinse away the cleaning solution from your pool deck. Be careful to direct the flow toward your driveway or some other drainage point, as bleach solutions can discolor and kill your lawn.

6. Power Wash (Carefully)

Close up Outdoor floor cleaning with high pressure water jet

Sometimes a scrub isn’t quite enough to completely clean a concrete deck, especially if it’s been years since the last cleaning. As a last resort, you may want to consider power washing to completely restore the surface to its original appearance.

Note, however, that power washing may also strip paint. As a result, don’t be too quick to power wash if you want to preserve paint. Instead, try one of the options in the next section to dissolve tough stains without dissolving your paint job.

7. Touch Up Problem Areas

Men's hands are used to convert polishing cleaning on the tile floor.

Rust, oil, and other substances can make stains exceptionally difficult to clean. If you find yourself facing one of these tough problem areas, try one of these solutions:

  • Remove rust stains with muriatic acid, which is available at most home improvement stores. It’s nasty stuff, however, so be sure to wear rubber gloves, a mask, and protective eyewear. Of course, be sure to follow all instructions and safety precautions on the label.
  • Remove oil and grease stains with a degreaser such as TSP. You may need to dilute the degreaser depending on its strength. Be careful not to go too strong, as degreasers can sometimes strip paint.

8. Apply a Waterproof Coating

Painting on house

With your deck completely clean and free of major stains and discoloration, now’s the perfect time to seal your investment with a waterproof coating.

Waterproof coatings don’t just protect your deck from expensive water damage and unsightly stains; they also make it much easier to clean and maintain. In doing so, waterproof coatings also prolong the overall life of your concrete deck, all the while minimizing the need to do all the tedious deep cleaning we’ve discussed here.

It’s also a good idea to apply a waterproof coating immediately after painting your deck. In addition to all the other benefits, it’ll also help preserve your paint’s color and design.

Tips for Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

While you don’t have to break out the bleach every time you go to clean, you should at least sweep and scrub your pool deck regularly throughout the season. By cleaning regularly, you’ll help prevent unsightly stains, smelly chlorine buildup, and other potential finish damage while keeping your pool area tidy.

One of the best ways to keep your deck clean is to invest in a waterproof coating. While you may still have to sweep and scrub every so often, you won’t have to do it nearly as much— especially considering that deck waterproofing can keep your surfaces pristine for years.

Make Cleaning Easier with Pool Deck Waterproofing

modern luxury summer villa with infinity pool

Whether it’s painted concrete, wood, or any other material, waterproofing is one of the best investments you can make for your pool deck. From preventing water damage to minimizing cleaning and prolonging the life of your deck, waterproofing is an investment that pays for itself.

For more information on waterproof deck coatings and to schedule a free estimate, call the Capital Deck & Stair team at (888) 508-2966.

Concrete Pool Deck Paint Ideas: 5 Popular Colors and Designs

Lounge chairs with blue towel on a pool deck

A fresh coat of paint is a great way to breathe new life and color into your concrete pool deck.

Since concrete easily takes to paint, texturing, and various surface finishes, there’s plenty of possibilities when it comes to designing the perfect pool deck. With so many colors and designs to choose from, how do you know which options are best for your pool deck?

In this post, we’ll run through some of the most popular concrete pool deck paint colors and designs and discuss how each choice can help your pool deck blend into its surroundings. Read on to learn more and discover the right color choice for your pool deck!

Benefits of Concrete Pool Deck Paint

Painting work on old house

Apart from enhancing the overall beauty of your pool area, many homeowners are surprised to discover some of the time- and cost-saving benefits of concrete deck paint. Here are just a few:

Improves Beauty

Like a blank canvas, unfinished concrete quickly becomes strikingly beautiful with the right coat of paint. The benefit isn’t limited to the concrete itself, however. By selecting a color that coordinates with the surrounding area, a painted pool deck can also improve the overall beauty and appearance of your pool area.

Easy to Apply

Concrete is incredibly easy to paint, thanks in part to its porous surface. With the right team and painting equipment, most concrete pool decks can be painted within an afternoon. Combined with a final coat of deck waterproofing, it only takes a day to secure the beauty and strength of your concrete surfaces for years to come.


While costs vary depending on paint types and deck sizes, one thing is usually true: Concrete pool deck paint is one of the most cost-effective ways to finish your pool deck. This cost-effectiveness becomes especially apparent when comparing other pool deck materials and finishes. Where wood and masonry decks require expensive finishes and time-consuming application, concrete decks are quick, easy, and inexpensive to paint.

Protects Surfaces

Combined with a top coat of waterproof deck coating, a coat of paint can protect concrete from pool water, rain, and other potential vectors for water damage. Paints, waterproof coatings, and other surface finishes are especially important for preserving the strength and beauty of concrete. While concrete’s porosity makes it easy to apply paint, it also makes it especially susceptible to water infiltration and damage. As a result, deck paints and waterproof coatings aren’t just nice add-ons—they’re essential for preserving your deck!

5 Most Popular Colors for Concrete Pool Deck Paint

Colorful nails

Whether you want your concrete deck to blend into its surroundings or completely pop with color, one of these popular colors can help:

1. Whites and Off-Whites

Perhaps the most classic pool deck colors, whites, off-whites, and beiges evoke images of soft, sandy beaches. Whites and other light colors also naturally reflect the sun, keeping the surface refreshingly cool on hot days. Many people also prefer shades of whites for their neutrality, which is useful for those who don’t want the pool deck to draw attention away from surrounding structures.

2. Blues and Grays

As the colors most closely associated with water and the sea, blues and grays are excellent choices for a pool deck color. While unfinished concrete is gray, adding a deeper or lighter gray provides a smoother, cleaner appearance with all the extra benefits of concrete pool deck paint, of course. Blues provide a similar upgrade; however, certain tints may be especially complementary to the brilliant blue of the swimming pool itself.

3. Tans and Browns

Residential Backyard Pool in the Suburbs

Tans and browns are a great way to replicate traditional masonry and other earthy surroundings.

Where reddish-brown and tans can make a concrete slab look like terracotta masonry, light and dark shades of brown can replicate dirt and earth. If you’re looking to make your pool look like a desert oasis or a swimming hole, these are the colors for you.

4. Color Mixtures

Why stick with just one color? With multiple colors, you can create all kinds of pleasing patterns and creative combinations. From free-flowing floral patterns to strong geometric shapes, your concrete pool deck serves as a blank canvas for your ideas. Plus, with an additional layer of deck waterproofing, you can preserve your designs for years to come.

5. Bold Colors

If you really want to make your pool deck “pop,” consider using bright and bold colors. Though your pool deck won’t blend in as well with the surroundings, that could be a benefit if you have a uniquely shaped pool deck. In some cases, it may also make sense to match the pool deck color to surrounding structures.

Concrete Pool Deck Paint Design Ideas

Pool Projekt Skizze

Unlike other pool deck materials, poured concrete offers a solid, flat surface without planks or tiles. As a result, the design and appearance of your concrete pool deck is entirely up to you. Here are just a few popular design ideas to get you started:

Solid Color with Trim

Perhaps the most popular design choice, a solid color with a contrasting trim is timeless, sophisticated, and easy to achieve. While the trim is usually either a lighter or darker shade of the deck color, there’s no reason you can’t use a completely different color. One popular example is a solid white deck with a bright blue trim—a combination popular in coastal Greece.

Faux Tiles

Why fuss with messy grout and expensive tiles when you can just paint them on? Though this idea might sound a bit tacky, it’s surprisingly convincing when using colors that replicate natural stone. By blending and mixing different earthy colors, you can give your solid concrete the look of a hand-laid masonry patio at a fraction of the cost.

Geometric Patterns

While square, tile-like patterns are great choices for pool decks, you can also use paint to create geometric patterns of other shapes. One popular example is a repeating hexagonal pattern, where each hexagon forms an individual tile. Using different shades of paint, you can alternate colors across the deck and even create a color gradient that gradually changes between the edges of your deck. The possibilities are endless!

Floral Patterns

If a repeating geometric pattern seems a little too traditional, a floral pattern is a great alternative. Whether you choose to embellish your concrete deck with an intricate network of budding vines or simply paint a border of flowers, floral patterns are always a dazzling choice. While they may take a bit more work than geometric patterns, they’re worth the effort if you have a particularly “flowery” design in mind.

Pattern Combinations

Solid? Geometric? Floral? Why choose one when you can choose them all! There are many ways to combine popular pool deck patterns. For example, a solid grid of square “tiles” is easily improved by adding floral embellishments along its borders. Similarly, a solid color can be accentuated with a border of either repeating shapes or floral patterns or pretty much anything else you might think of.

How to Apply Concrete Pool Deck Paint to an Existing Deck

modern luxury summer villa with infinity pool

No matter what color or design you choose, the pool deck painting process is usually the same.

Like any  surface finishing job, one of the biggest steps of the painting process is surface preparation. Here, your concrete pool deck must be completely cleaned and even stripped of existing finishes before painting can begin.

Once the surface is ready, painting can begin. While solid colors are easily applied with a spray gun or roller, more intricate patterns, including geometric and floral elements, may require a little more work. Thankfully, it’s easy to use a template to quickly apply patterns of the perfect size and shape.

With your concrete pool deck painted to your liking, it’s time to protect your investment with a coat of deck waterproofing. Waterproofing not only protects your paint, however: It also prevents water from seeping into the porous concrete underneath.

The right waterproof coating applied the right way can secure the beauty and strength of your concrete pool deck for years to come. Though you’ll need to apply a new coat at one point, reapplication is just as effective and easy as the first coat.

Protect Your Paint with Pool Deck Waterproofing from Capital Deck & Stair

Top view of outdoor swimming pool

Though it’s possible to paint your own deck and even apply your own waterproofing, only an expert team can guarantee great results and an attractive finish. For over 30 years, the Capital Deck & Stair team has provided waterproofing services for homes and businesses throughout Southern California. All of our work is backed by a warranty and the same quick, professional service that our customers have come to rely on.

For more information and to receive a free estimate, call Capital Deck & Stair at (866)582-7481 or visit our pool deck waterproofing page.