Capital Deck And Stair

Serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties

Los Angeles

  • concrete pool deck

    The Benefits of Waterproofing Your Deck

    Deck surfaces can last for many decades with proper maintenance such as waterproofing. Our waterproofing contractors understand how concrete and other materials hold up in Southern California’s climate, exposure to rain and other water sources, and varying levels of use. Over time, water erodes and breaks down concrete. Combined with daily wear and tear, this […]

  • family BBQing on a summer day

    The Ultimate Deck Safety Checklist

    Decks are great places to unwind, relax, read a book, enjoy meals outdoors, cook on the grill, and more. You need to make sure you and your family are safe and secure on your deck. With people spend more time at home and outdoors, now is a great time to complete our ultimate deck safety […]

  • washing the windows

    Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

    Every home needs routine care and now is the perfect time for summer maintenance. The harshness of winter has faded, which may have put a strain on decks, patios, plumbing, and other features. From cleaning and paving to deck waterproofing, a little effort can keep your house in top shape. Here is a checklist about […]

  • potted plants

    8 Tips for Getting Your Planters Summer-Ready

    Many homeowners like to spruce up their outdoor patios, porches, and decks using outdoor planters. Planters can include a wide range of sizes and styles of containers that make it perfect for growing flowers, herbs, vegetables, shrubs, and other greenery. Some popular varieties include self-watering planters and wall planters. Each year, it is essential to […]

  • Do You Really Need Deck Waterproofing in Southern California?

    Southern California does have a “rainy season” that brings a lot of rain to the area. Your home should be properly waterproofed to prevent water from getting inside. Some aspects of home waterproofing that need to happen annually include: Roof and Attic Inspections Resealing/Caulking Around Windows Replacing Weatherstripping Around Doors Yet, one area of the […]

  • 10 Steps to Prepare Your Pool for the Spring and Summer

    With people spending more time at home, now is a great time to prepare your pool for the spring and summer. In some places, warmer summer-like weather is already here. Take this opportunity to consider pool deck waterproofing and other maintenance. Getting your pool ready will give you and your kids something to enjoy outdoors […]

  • 6 Walking Deck and Balcony Design Ideas

    Adding walking decks and balconies to your home can provide additional spaces for you to enjoy the outdoors. Walking decks are areas that you extend beyond the normal deck area. For instance, you could have a walking deck that wraps around the side of the home that connects to the front porch. Balconies are great […]

  • How to Choose the Best Waterproofing Contractor for Your Project

    Moisture is the enemy of every home and construction project. Waterproofing contractors will protect homes and commercial buildings against moisture damage. Otherwise, mold and mildew can develop, threatening both the integrity of your building and your health. Here’s how to ensure you always choose the best contractor for any waterproofing project. Check Them Out There […]

  • How to Avoid a Slip and Fall Lawsuit on Your Property

    If you regularly welcome people to properties that you own, whether as a landlord or a business owner who operates a retail space, you might be worried about slip and fall liability. After all, if someone is injured in a fall on your property and it is determined that you have been negligent in some […]

  • How to Prevent Mold and Mildew in Your Outdoor Spaces

    Even if you don’t know the specifics of why mold and mildew are bad, you probably know that it’s best to prevent them from developing on your property. Whether you are working on a property where you live or one that you manage as a landlord, paying attention to mold and mildew risks is important. […]