Capital Deck And Stair

Serving Los Angeles and Orange Counties

Los Angeles

  • The Best Materials to Build a Pool Deck

    The deck around your pool has an extremely difficult but important job to do. Not only does it have to withstand the brutal harshness of being exposed to chlorinated water during pool usage, but it also has to bear the brunt of hours of sunlight, wildly-changing temperatures, and even the occasional rainfall. As such, a […]

  • What to Look For in a Safer Set of Stairs

    Most people don’t think twice before climbing up or down a set of stairs, but the truth is a lot of thought and careful consideration needs to go into how a set is designed in order to ensure they are safe. Stairs that are too steep or don’t give you enough space to place your […]

  • A Waterproof Deck is a Strong Deck!

    There are many benefits to waterproofing your deck , and we’ve discussed many of them in previous posts here on our blog. However, one benefit that many people don’t think of or consider is the benefit of adding strength to your deck. It’s true: a waterproof and sealed deck actually stands stronger and more durable […]

  • Why Is the Sun So Hard On Your Deck?

    While most people think of rain as the biggest threat to decks, those in sunny Southern California know that perhaps nothing is harder on their deck every year than the long and brutal hours of exposure to the scorching sun. While the sun may provide our planet with life-sustaining warmth, it can be extremely harsh […]

  • Deck Materials that are Water-Resistant

    When building a new deck, you’ll make a ton of important decisions, perhaps the most important of which will be what material you’ll construct it from. There are many different deck materials you can use, and the benefit is that some of them are inherently water-resistant by nature. Whether it’s that these materials damage extremely […]

  • Challenges of a Commercial Rooftop Deck

    Rooftop decks have exploded in popularity over the last several years, particularly in urban centers like Los Angeles. When land is at a premium, most property owners don’t have the space to build a deck that’s easily accessible on a lower level, but the roof often sits completely unoccupied. As a result, building owners construct […]

  • Factors That Shorten Your Deck’s Lifespan

    A deck can add tremendous value and use to your property, but only when they’re well-kept and in good working condition. Therefore, it’s important to make sure your deck is maintained and protected from factors that can influence its longevity. In fact, many of these factors are things your deck has to deal with every […]

  • New Year, New Deck!

    With the New Year rapidly approaching, you may be busy making your New Year resolutions and preparing to make transformations in your life. While your mind is on renewing old things and bringing them up to date, it’s important not to forget your home, and especially your deck. In sunny California, the warm weather will […]

  • Deck Care 101

    Your deck is an extension of your home and living space, and like your home, it requires regular cleaning and upkeep to remain safe and comfortable. Composite and natural wood decks may have different requirements, but there are some basics for all decks. Here are some do’s and don’ts of deck care to keep in […]

  • Is Your Deck Ready for Winter?

    Winter may be a favorite time of year for many Southern Californians, but it’s a particularly harsh time for your deck and other structures on your home. The high temperature fluctuations from the warmest parts of the day to the coldest times at night can cause a lot of expansion and contraction in deck materials, […]